Monday, August 10, 2009


In our computer subject we have learned about computer.First we have learne about the History of the Internet,How to create a blog and how to create a yahoo mail and etc.
I also encountered some problems in our computer subject like creating our blog and yahoo mail But i thank that i have my classmate that helped me.
I adress the challenges by facing my problems and by finding a solution in my problems and also to the help of my classmate.


Monday, August 3, 2009

"Speak the UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE and so your own LANGUAGE,the PILIPINO"

"Speak your own Language,the Pilipino,and speak English".It is important to speak in English and Pilipino because one of the reason is English is our universal language and Pilipino is our own native language-we Pilipinos.We must speak them to improve our grammar and we also learn from the language.
Speaking English is our way to communicate with the foreigners and to all the tourists that are coming to our country-The Philippines.And we must also be proud for speaking our own native laguage the Pilipino or Tagalog.Speaking our natinal language is our way to communicate with other Pilipinos.
We dont just have to learn English but we must also learn our own native language.We Pilipinos are proud of our native language.Even foreigners wanted to learn our native language-the tagalog,so we must be proud of it.
" Speak English and our own language,The Pilipino!"

Sunday, August 2, 2009

"Wastong Nutrisyon LifestyLe Diseases Iwasan"

This July we are celebrating the Nutrition Month in our school."Wastong Nutrisyon Kailangan Lifestyle iwasan" is our theme of the month.Eating nutritious food makes our body healthy and free from diseases.We can be healthy if we eat the right kinds of food,having an exercise,drinking water and by means of our personal hygiene so that we will be clean and free from any diseases.
We eat nutritious food to live longer and happier and to pursue our goals in our life.
We can prevent different kinds of diseases for example the A(H1N1) virus by always washing our hands,eating a proper die like vegetables and fruits.We should avoid eating junk foods because it is not good in our health.Instead of eating junk foods we should eat fruits.
We should also clean our surroundings to inhale some fresh and clean air. And so that our environment we are living on is very nice to see and safe to live on.